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ATTENTION: Coaches & Experts


Want to know how to attract more Clients and build your Universe using ChatGPT & AI? 

join me  for the

The ChatGPT & AI 5 DAY CHALLENGE (April 17th- April 21st)



The Challenge begins...

Monday 17th April- Friday 21st April 2023 daily at 2pm ET (7pm BST)









Do you feel like you're moving at turtle-speed when it comes to learning about technology including ChatGPT & AI?  


You may feel...

  • Overwhelmed with all the buzz around ChatGPT & AI and trying to make sense of this space 

  • The need to spend money on so many different AI tools before even understanding what they are about
  • Like a dinosaur in your coaching/ expert business, you feel you're not able to understand how AI works and what it can do for you

  • That other people are making money using AI, but that you're lagging behind and you fear you're missing out on the opportunities 

Congratulations, if you can relate to above, that means you are a HUMAN and NOT a Robot.

If you are that person who wants to stay ahead of your competition in this rapidly shifting world without burning yourself out, you came to the right place.

Join the Challenge

What to expect during this challenge?


You don't need that ChatGPT or AI course that you see on your Timeline as a sponsored Facebook Ad. The #1 thing you need is to take focused-action and this will be our core FOCUS for the 5-days of the Challenge. No content-overload or pitch-fest, but me holding your hand during the Challenge to make sense of this fascinating topic.


You'll get access to a Private Facebook Community of fellow Coaches & Experts who are also keen to implement ChatGPT & AI Tools into their business. You will receive special invitations to future sessions and get access to exclusive member-only content.


Over the past 4 months, I have been obsessed about learning the key AI tools that can help us Coaches & Experts to build the business that we love. I am going to condense this 4-month journey into bite-size steps and 5 days.  

Check out the daily details

ChatGPT & AI Fundamentals

You will get to understand what ChatGPT is and what it can do for you as a Coach. You will start using ChatGPT and be given  specific success work to take action on before Day 2 starts. You will feel mindblown by the possibilities.

Understand your Clients without even talking them:)

We will discuss specific "prompts" that you will help you to get more clear on who you are serving and what problem you help solve as a coach. We will do a HOTSEAT where I will coach you LIVE on this topic. You will leave this session with greater clarity on your Ideal Client and with confidence that you can master ChatGPT for your coaching business.

Developing Irresistable Offers 

Learn how to use ChatGPT and AI to provide personalized coaching sessions and recommendations to clients

Create Engaging Content that Converts

You will learn how to use ChatGPT and AI to create engaging emails and social media posts that resonates with your target audience. You will learn how to create your own royalty-free powerful images in a matter of seconds.

Building a Business that you LOVE

You will learn how to leverage ChatGPT and AI to build a more successful and fulfilling coaching business that you love.



I'm Danny den Hartog!

Online Business Coach for Coaches, Adventurer, & Digital Entrepreneur 


I help Coaches & Experts Build their Universe Without the Hustle and without Sacrificing What Matters Most.

I am absolutely convinced that ChatGPT and AI offer us unparalled opportunities as coaches and the time is now to jump in.

With this Challenge, it's my mission to help you make sense of all the developments around ChatGPT and AI with the main objective to attract more clients to your business, so you can make a bigger difference in the world and experience more freedom.

Over the past years, I have been celebrated by Dean Graziosi & Tony Robbins for my achievements and I have been speaking on various global stages. 

But that did not come easy. 

I wasted tens of thousands of dollars building a brand and made tons of mistakes that I would love you to avoid.

I have helped dozens of established coaches and experts scale their businesses and I can't wait to see your breakthroughs on what AI can do for your business!

Look forward seeing you at the Challenge. 

Danny den Hartog

"The AI Guy"

Join me for the

5 Day Challenge On

Monday 17th April- Friday 21st April 2023 daily at 2pm ET (7pm BST)









Can't wait to see you!  

Join The Challenge Now

Set your Coaching or Expert Business business up to scale using ChatGPT & AI!