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Change your habits- change your life for EXPERTS


Register now for the 30-day GREAT Habits Challenge for Experts

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Hey, I'm Danny den Hartog

I help (new) coaches create irresistable programs, fall in love with their ideal clients and get their first sales so that they can make a bigger difference without them having to trade all their time & money.

Over the past years, I have been celebrated by Dean Graziosi & Tony Robbins for my achievements as a Knowledge broker. 

But that did not come easy. 

I wasted tens of thousands of dollars building a brand and made tons of mistakes that I would love you to avoid.

Back in July 2019 before starting this journey, I knew nothing about packaging my knowledge into online products nor did I have any idea how to launch my business.

Since implementing Dean & Tony's teachings, I have helped dozens of entrepreneurs get started in the self-education industry and have built a Six-Figure Coaching Business.

In my current role as a Sales & Marketing Coach, I see many people get stuck working on things that really do not move the needle.

I have always had coaches and mentors to guide me on the way, but would have loved to have a Coach fully immersed and acquainted with Dean & Tony's content to avoid having to learn all new models and skills.

For that very reason I decided to create a special implementation program for those that are on the journey of packaging their knowledge into (high-impact) coaching programs.

Change your Habits, Change your Life!

Join the 30-day Habit Challenge between 14th November and 14th December 2022 and set yourself up for success in 2023!

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