It is Time to Crush that Biggest Obstacle!
Are you struggling with creating, launching or selling your course or coaching?
Join this Special FREE Group Coaching Event and get clarity on your next steps.
Crush your Biggest Obstacle
Breakthrough and get Clear on your Next Steps to Create, Launch or Sell your Course or Coaching Program
Sign up for Crush your Biggest Obstacle!
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Date: Sunday 12th March 3-4.30pm ET (90 minutes)
Price: FREE
Hey, I'm Danny den Hartog
I help (new) coaches create irresistable programs, fall in love with their ideal clients and get their first sales so that they can make a bigger difference without them having to trade all their time & money.
Over the past years, I have been celebrated by Dean Graziosi & Tony Robbins for my achievements as a Knowledge broker.
But that did not come easy.
I wasted tens of thousands of dollars building a brand and made tons of mistakes that I would love you to avoid.
Back in July 2019 before starting this journey, I knew nothing about packaging my knowledge into online products nor did I have any idea how to launch my business.
Since implementing Dean & Tony's teachings, I have helped dozens of entrepreneurs get started in the self-education industry and have built a Six-Figure Coaching Business. On this journey and through running a successful high-ticket program, I have learned though that it is not about the money but it's about the impact we get to make and who we become in the process.
In my current role as a Sales & Marketing Coach, I see many people get stuck working on things that really do not move the needle.
I have always had coaches and mentors to guide me on the way, but would have loved to have a Coach fully specialized in meeting me where I was at in my on-line coaching journey.
For that very reason I decided to support coaches and creators like you, on your journey of packaging your knowledge into courses and coaching programs.